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The Pennsylvania Lottery's EVERLASTING MILLION Second-Chance Drawing

Pennsylvania Lottery’s Amended EVERLASTING MILLION Fast Play Lottery Game Second-Chance Drawing Rules December 3, 2021 [FINAL]

  • 1. Second-Chance Drawing: The Pennsylvania Lottery’s (hereafter, the “Lottery”) EVERLASTING MILLION Second-Chance Drawing for qualifying Fast Play lottery game tickets (hereafter, the “Drawing”).
    • (a) Qualifying Tickets: Non-winning PA-5131 WILLY WONKA GOLDEN TICKET™ ($10) Fast Play lottery game tickets (“Qualifying Tickets”) are eligible for entry in the Drawing.
    • (b) Participation and entry:
      • (1) Entrants must be members of the Pennsylvania Lottery VIP Players Club to participate in the Drawing. To join the VIP Players Club, visit Becoming a VIP Players Club member is free.
      • (2) To enter the Drawing, entrants must submit the identifying information from at least one Qualifying Ticket via the Drawing’s promotional web site, available at, or the Lottery’s official mobile application during the entry period. The identifying information from a Qualifying Ticket may be submitted only once in the Drawing. No other method of submission will be accepted, and entries submitted using any other method, including entries mailed or hand-delivered to the Lottery, are not valid and will be disqualified.
      • (3) Each entry must be complete and the information supplied by the entrant must be accurate. Incomplete entries cannot be accepted.
      • (4) Only one claimant per entry is allowed.
      • (5) Entrants must be 18 years of age or older.
      • (6) Players may submit the identifying information from an unlimited number of Qualifying Tickets in the Drawing.
      • (7) Once an entry has been submitted it cannot be withdrawn or changed.
  • 2. Drawing description:
    • (a) The Lottery will conduct two drawings associated with the EVERLASTING MILLION Second-Chance Drawing for qualifying Fast Play Lottery game tickets. All time references are Eastern Prevailing Time.
    • (b) Drawings:
      • (1) EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package drawing: All entries received after 4:59:59 a.m. September 7, 2021, through 11:59:59 p.m. December 2, 2021, will be entered into the EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package drawing to be held between December 6, 2021 and December 14, 2021.
      • (2) iLottery Bonus Money drawing: All non-winning entries from the EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package drawing will be carried forward into a separate iLottery Bonus Money drawing to be held between December 20, 2021 and December 28, 2021.
    • (c) The entry period for the Drawing will be posted to the Lottery’s publicly accessible web site at
    • (d) When a Qualifying Ticket is entered into the Drawing, the entry has a chance to be multiplied by 5 (hereafter the “Entry Multiplier Prize”). Each Qualifying Ticket will have a predetermined ticket file assigned at the time the ticket is printed that will determine whether an entry will be multiplied. If an entry is multiplied, the entrant will be notified during the entry process.
    • (e) The number of entries an entrant will receive for the Drawing is determined by the purchase price of the Qualifying Ticket entered and the Entry Multiplier Prize, if applicable. The respective purchase price and corresponding number of entries for the Qualifying Ticket is as follows: PA-5131 WILLY WONKA GOLDEN TICKET™ ($10) = ten entries.
    • (f) Players may review prizes won and their entries for the Drawing via the Drawing’s promotional web site.
  • 3. Prizes available to be won, determination of winners, and odds of winning:
    • (a) The prize entitlements described below are subject to all restrictions and limitations described in sections 6, 7 and 8, or mentioned anywhere else in these rules.
    • (b) The following table sets forth the approximate number of Entry Multiplier Prizes and the approximate odds of winning an Entry Multiplier Prize:
      Qualifying Tickets: Approximate Number of 5X Entry Multiplier Prizes: Approximate Odds of Winning a 5X Multiplier Are 1 In:
      PA-5131 WILLY WONKA GOLDEN TICKET™ 277,354 1:3
    • (c) The Lottery will conduct one Drawing from among all the entries received during the entry period as described in section 2(b).
    • (d) EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package drawing prizes: The first through the third entries selected in the EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package drawing will be winning entries and the entrants who submitted those winning entries shall each be entitled to a prize of one EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Trip Prize Package, as described in section 4 (relating to EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ trip prize package description) of these rules.
    • (e) iLottery Bonus Money drawing prizes: The first through the fiftieth entries selected from all non-winning entries entered into the EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package Drawing will be winning entries and the entrants who submitted those winning entries shall each be entitled to a prize of $100 iLottery Bonus Money.
    • (f) Winners of iLottery Bonus Money are not required to claim a prize. Winners of iLottery Bonus Money will have the iLottery Bonus Money credited to their lottery account and will receive an email notifying them that they won a prize.
    • (g) The number of winning entries to be selected for the Drawing will be posted to the Lottery’s publicly accessible web site.
    • (h) The odds of winning in the Drawing depend upon the number of entries received for the Drawing.
    • (i) A computer-generated randomizer will be used to select the Drawing winners.
  • 4. EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Trip Prize Package Description:
    • (a) Each EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Trip Prize Package (hereafter “Trip Prize Package”) shall consist of a four day, three-night trip for the Trip Prize Package winner and up to one guest to Las Vegas, NV during the Summer of 2022.
    • (b) The specific date and location of the Trip Prize Package events are subject to change and will be confirmed during the fulfillment process. Each Trip Prize Package shall include:
      • (1) Round trip airfare, if required, for up to two coach class tickets on a major airline, as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration, from a United States international airport to McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, NV (inclusive of all security fees, taxes and surcharges). It is the responsibility of the Trip Prize Package Winner to comply with the REAL ID Act to the extent that the Act is applicable to the Trip Prize Package Winner’s air travel.
      • (2) Ground transfers between McCarran International Airport and the assigned destination hotel and, if necessary, between the hotel and Scientific Games International, Inc. hosted events (hereafter “SGI”).
      • (3) One double occupancy room accommodation (room and room tax only), at a three star or better hotel room in Las Vegas, Nevada, for three nights.
      • (4) $1,000 spending money for the winner, provided in the form of a check one to two weeks prior to the scheduled trip departure date.
      • (5) State income tax withholding in the amount of $88.68 and federal income tax withholding of $1,800.00 (excluding any additional prizes won during the EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Event Package).
  • 5. EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Event Package Description: Each EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Event Package shall consist of:
    • (a) Each Trip Prize Package Winner shall receive the chance participate in the CHALLENGE Event.
    • (b) The CHALLENGE Event shall afford each Trip Package Prize Winner or Proxy one chance to win a cash prize from $1,000 up to and including a lifetime prize of $1,000,000 per year, as described below.
    • (c) The CHALLENGE Event Package shall consist of:
      • (1) Admission to the CHALLENGE Event venue for the Trip Package Prize Winner and one guest.
      • (2) Participation in three ROUNDS of the CHALLENGE Event, as described below.
        • (i) ROUND 1. GOLDEN EGG shall involve the participation of all Trip Prize Package Winners as GOLDEN EGG Finalists. ROUND 1 reduces the number of GOLDEN EGG Finalists down to five. The five remaining GOLDEN EGG Finalists will each become EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER Finalists and proceed to ROUND 2. The eliminated GOLDEN EGG Finalists may each win a cash prize between $1,000 and $25,000 during ROUND 1.
        • (ii) ROUND 2. EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER reduces the five EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER Finalists down to one GOLDEN TICKET Finalist, who will proceed to ROUND 3. The eliminated EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER Finalists may each win a cash prize between $30,000 and $1,000,000 during ROUND 2.
        • (iii) ROUND 3. GOLDEN TICKET involves the GOLDEN TICKET Finalist playing for the chance to win a prize between $1,000,000 and a lifetime annuity prize of $1,000,000 per year for the lifetime of the Prize Winner.
  • 6. Prize Package restrictions:
  • (a) There is no cash option for the Trip Prize Package.
  • (b) The Lottery is not responsible for injury, loss or damage to person or property in connection with the Trip Prize Package. A Trip Prize Package winner and guest participate solely at their own risk and responsibility.
  • (c) Lottery is not responsible for Trip Prize Package fulfillment. Lottery disclaims any responsibility for any and every occurrence with respect to fulfillment or enjoyment of the Trip Prize Package.
  • (d) All Trip Prize Package Winners must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the scheduled Trip Prize. If the Trip Prize Package winner is not 18 years of age or older at the time of the scheduled Trip Prize Package, they may designate a Proxy to participate in the Program. A designated Proxy must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the scheduled Trip Prize Package. If a Trip Prize Package winner is under the age of 21, any guest must be at least the age of majority in the guest’s state of residence. If a Trip Prize Package winner is 21 years of age or older, a guest may be under 18 years of age, but not younger than 13 years of age on the first travel date. If the guest is a minor in the Trip Prize Package winner’s home state, the winner must be a parent or legal guardian of the guest.
  • (e) All expenses involved with or related to the Trip Prize Package not specifically included in the Trip Prize Package Description, as described in section 4, above, including, without limitation, ground transportation, transfers, additional hotel amenities (i.e., spa services, internet access, phone calls, laundry services, room service, fees and gratuities), airline change fees, airline premium seat fees, airline baggage fees both checked and carry on, travel insurance and personal expenses such as laundry, valet service, photos, souvenirs, and other incidentals, are the responsibility of Trip Prize Package winner and guest.
  • (f) Trip Prize Package winners will be required to submit a valid major credit card to the hotel to cover all expenses not specifically awarded as part of the Trip Prize Package.
  • (g) Travel and hotel accommodations are subject to availability.
  • (h) The date and location of any events included within the Trip Prize Package may be subject to change. The Lottery is not responsible if any event is delayed, postponed, or cancelled for any reason, in whole or in part, and in such event, the Lottery’s only obligation is to award the other elements of the Trip Prize Package. No compensation will be paid in lieu of any cancelled event or any other element of the Trip Prize Package.
  • (i) Trip Prize Package winners and guests must comply with all of the rules and regulations of the venues where the events are held and all applicable federal, state, and local government and/or agency laws, rules, orders, and regulations as well as any rules, regulations, and safety guidelines. Trip Prize Package winners acknowledge that if winners or guests behave in a disorderly or disruptive manner or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any other person at any event, winners and/or guests may be removed from the venue or denied entry as determined by SGI or its designee(s) in their sole and absolute discretion.
  • (j) Trip Prize Package winners who do not elect to take a guest, or whose guest, for any reason, does not actually take the trip, are still subject to the full amount of any taxes due on the total value of the Trip Prize Package.
  • (k) By accepting any ticketed portion of the Trip Prize Package, Trip Prize Package winner agrees to abide by any terms, conditions, and restrictions provided by the ticket. Lost, mutilated, or stolen tickets, vouchers, certificates, or pre-paid gift cards will not be replaced.
  • (l) In the event that a Trip Prize Package winner misses their flight, reasonable efforts will be used to reschedule the flight at the Trip Prize Package winner’s expense. If the flight is not able to be rescheduled in a reasonable time for the Trip Prize Package winner’s participation in the elements of the Trip Prize Package, the Trip Prize Package winner shall forfeit and not participate in the travel portion of the Trip Prize Package, including the events, as described in section 6(r)
  • (m) In the event that a Trip Prize Package winner is unable to travel in connection with the Trip Prize Package for any reason after tickets have been booked, that Trip Prize Package winner shall forfeit the Trip Prize Package, and an alternate Trip Prize Package Winner shall be selected according to Lottery procedure.
  • (n) If a Trip Prize Package winner fails to attend the event at which the one-million-dollar per year for life prize drawing occurs, that Trip Prize Package winner will remain eligible for the drawing prize.
  • (o) If a Trip Prize Package winner chooses not to travel or becomes ineligible for any reason, that winner may appoint a Proxy during the fulfillment process.
  • (p) If a Trip Prize Package winner or designated Proxy fails to book the trip by March 31, 2022, that Trip Prize Package shall be forfeited, as described in section 6(r).
  • (q) If, after travel is booked, a Trip Prize Package designated Proxy is unable to travel, the Trip Prize Package is forfeited, as described in section 6(r)
  • (r) The forfeiture of any Trip Prize Package includes forfeiture of attendance at any of the events or activities included in the Trip Prize as described in section 4, above. In the event that a Trip Prize Winner must forfeit a Trip Prize Package, an alternate winner will be selected according to Lottery procedure.
  • (s) Except as set forth above, no prize element substitution, cash substitution, assignment, or transfer of the Trip Prize Package or any elements thereof is permitted. Any unused elements of the Trip Prize Package will be forfeited, will not be redeemable for cash, and may not reduce the prize value awarded for tax purposes.
  • (t) In the event that a $1,000,000 per year for life annuity is won during the CHALLENGE Event, it will be paid as a lifetime annuity, specifically in the form aof an upfront payment of $1,000,000 with annual payments of $1,000,000 made thereafter on the anniversary of the initial upfront installment payment date for the life of the GOLDENT TICKET Finalist winner. The lifetime annuity prize payments will terminate upon the death of the GOLDEN TICKET Finalist winner; provided, however, that if the GOLDEN TICKET Finalist winner dies before receiving at least $20,000,000 in total payments, then the remaining balance (i.e., $20,000,000 less the total amount already paid) will be paid to such winner’s estate or heir(s) in one lump-sum payment upon presentation of proof of death by the executor of the estate or heir(s).
  • 7. Delinquent Support Offset:
  • (a) If the Department of Human Services, pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 4308, the Department of Revenue or the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, pursuant to 72 P.S. § 215, determines that a prize winner is a delinquent support obligor as provided in 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 4308 or 72 P.S. § 215, and if the amount of any arrearages shall be $1,000, or less, the amount of any arrearages shall be deducted from the spending money portion of the Trip Prize Package. After the delinquent support obligation is met, the Prize Package winner will receive the remaining portion of the Prize Package spending money, if any, which shall be fulfilled according to Lottery procedure.
  • (b) If the Department of Human Services, pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 4308, the Department of Revenue or the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, pursuant to 72 P.S. § 215, determines that a prize winner is a delinquent support obligor, as provided in 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 4308 or 72 P.S. § 215, and if the amount of any arrearages shall be greater than $1,000, the prize winner shall forfeit the prize and shall be considered to have waived their right to receive the prize under section 8. In this event, the Lottery will select another entry to replace the forfeited entry in accordance with these rules and Lottery procedure.
  • 8. Drawing restrictions:
    • (a) To be eligible to participate in the Drawing, entrants must have complied with the requirements of these rules.
    • (b) The Lottery is not responsible for late, lost or misdirected entries not entered into the Drawing. The Lottery is not responsible for entries that are not entered into the Drawing because of incompatible internet browsers, mobile Lottery application failure or other technical issues. If an entry is selected as a winner and rejected or otherwise disqualified during or following the Drawing, the Lottery will select another entry to replace the rejected or otherwise disqualified entry in accordance with these rules and Lottery procedure.
    • (c) If any discrepancy exists between these rules and any material describing the Drawing, these rules shall govern.
    • (d) Employees of the Lottery, 9Rooftops Marketing, LLC (formerly known as MARC USA, LLC), Scientific Games International Inc., MDI Entertainment, LLC, and their subcontractors, or a spouse, child, brother, sister or parent residing as a member of the same household in the principle place of residence of any such person are not eligible to participate in the Drawing. Offer void where prohibited or restricted.
    • (e) The Pennsylvania Lottery reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel or suspend the Drawing and change these rules if the Drawing cannot be conducted as planned due to errors in these rules or advertising, unauthorized intervention, tampering, fraud, technical errors, viruses, worms, bugs, or any other cause beyond the control of the Lottery that, in the Lottery’s sole judgment, could corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the Drawing.
    • (f) All entries shall be subject to verification by the Lottery.
    • (g) The Pennsylvania Lottery reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify an entrant found to be tampering with the operation of the Drawing or to be acting in violation of these rules or applicable law.
    • (h) The Drawing is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Applicable laws and regulations apply.
    • (i) A prize awarded in the Drawing to a person who dies before receiving the prize shall be paid according to 61 Pa. Code § 811.16 (relating to prizes payable after death of a prize winner).
    • (j) A winner is responsible for all taxes arising from or in connection with any prize won.
    • (k) Winners of the EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Trip Prize Package will be contacted by email by the Pennsylvania Lottery to initiate the prize claim procedure. Winners will have ten (10) business days from the date they are notified by the Pennsylvania Lottery to claim their prizes. In order to claim their prizes, winners must respond to the Pennsylvania Lottery’s email regarding prize claim procedure, and must submit a properly completed prize claim form within ten (10) business days from the date they are notified by the Pennsylvania Lottery. Failure to comply with the prize claim requirements as set forth herein, for any reason, shall result in the winner forfeiting his/her right to receive the prize. An alternate winner will be awarded the respective Prize Package, according to Lottery procedure.
    • (l) A player may only win the prize for which the player is first selected in the Drawing. Subsequent entries, from the same individual, selected in the Drawing will be disqualified and a replacement entry will be selected.
    • (m) Winners of iLottery Bonus Money must abide by the iLottery Terms & Conditions, the iLottery Bonus Policy and these rules. iLottery Bonus Money will expire 90 days from the date on which the winner was notified, via email, of the prize win, as further detailed in section 3(f). iLottery Bonus Money has a five times play through requirement in order to convert the iLottery Bonus Money into cash. For example, for a player winning $100 of iLottery Bonus Money, the player is required to place $500 in wagers before the iLottery Bonus Money awarded is converted into cash which may be withdrawn from the player’s account.
    • (n) Prizes are not transferrable.
    • (o) Other restrictions may apply.

Pennsylvania Lottery’s EVERLASTING MILLIONS
Instant Lottery Game
Second-Chance Drawing Rules
December 3, 2021

  • 1. Second-Chance Drawing: Pennsylvania Lottery’s EVERLASTING MILLIONS Second-Chance Drawing for qualifying instant lottery game tickets (hereafter, the “Drawing”):
    • (a) Qualifying Tickets: Non-winning PA-1540 WILLY WONKA GOLDEN TICKET™ instant lottery game tickets are eligible for entry into the Drawing.
    • (b) Participation and entry:
      • (1) Entrants must be members of the Pennsylvania Lottery VIP Players Club to participate in the Drawing. To join the VIP Players Club, visit Becoming a VIP Players Club member is free.
      • (2) To enter the Drawing, entrants must submit the identifying information from at least one Qualifying Ticket via the Drawing’s promotional web site, available at, or the Pennsylvania Lottery’s official mobile application, during the entry period. The identifying information from a Qualifying Ticket may be submitted only once in the Drawing. Entries will automatically be awarded at the time of successful submission of a Qualifying Ticket. No other method of submission will be accepted. Entries submitted using any other method, including entries mailed or hand-delivered to the Pennsylvania Lottery, are not valid and will be disqualified.
      • (3) Each entry must be complete and the information supplied by the entrant must be accurate. Incomplete entries cannot be submitted.
      • (4) Only one claimant per entry allowed.
      • (5) Entrants must be 18 years of age or older.
      • (6) Players may submit the identifying information from an unlimited number of Qualifying Tickets in the Drawing.
      • (7) Once an entry has been submitted it cannot be withdrawn or changed.
  • 2. Drawing description:
    • (a) The Lottery will conduct two drawings associated with the EVERLASTING MILLION Second-Chance Drawing for qualifying Fast Play Lottery game tickets. All time references are Eastern Prevailing Time.
    • (b) Drawings:
      • (1) EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package drawing: All entries received after 11:59:59 p.m. September 12, 2021, through 11:59:59 p.m. December 2, 2021, will be entered into the EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package drawing to be held between December 6, 2021 and December 14, 2021.
      • (2) iLottery Bonus Money drawing: All non-winning entries from the EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package drawing will be carried forward into a separate iLottery Bonus Money drawing to be held between December 20, 2021 and December 28, 2021.
    • (c) The entry period for the Drawing will be posted to the Pennsylvania Lottery’s publicly accessible web site at
    • (d) When a Qualifying Ticket is entered into the Drawing, the entry has a chance to be multiplied by 5 (hereafter the “Entry Multiplier Prize”). Each Qualifying Ticket will have a predetermined ticket file assigned at the time the ticket is printed that will determine whether an entry will be multiplied. If an entry is multiplied, the entrant will be notified during the entry process.
    • (e) The number of entries an entrant will receive for the Drawing is determined by the purchase price of the Qualifying Ticket entered. The respective purchase price and corresponding number of entries for the Qualifying Ticket is as follows: PA-1540 WILLY WONKA GOLDEN TICKET™ ($10) = ten entries.
    • (f) Players may review prizes won and their entries for the Drawing via the Drawing’s promotional web site.
  • 3. Prizes available to be won, determination of winners, and odds of winning:
    • (a) The prize entitlements described below are subject to all restrictions and limitations described in sections 6, 7 and 8, or those mentioned anywhere else in these rules.
    • (b) The following table sets forth the approximate number of Entry Multiplier Prizes and the approximate odds of winning an Entry Multiplier Prize:
      Qualifying Tickets: Approximate Number of 5X Entry Multiplier Prizes: Approximate Odds of Winning a 5X Multiplier Are 1 In:
      PA-1540 WILLY WONKA GOLDEN TICKET™ 3,930,740 1:3
    • (c) Lottery will conduct one Drawing from among all the entries received during the entry period as described in section 2(b).
    • (d) The first through the thirty-fifth entries selected in the Drawing will be winning entries and the entrants who submitted those winning entries shall each be entitled to a prize of one EVERLASTING MILLIONS CHALLENGE™ Trip Prize Package, as described in section 4 (relating to EVERLASTING MILLIONS CHALLENGE™ trip prize package description) of these rules.
    • (e) iLottery Bonus Money drawing prizes: The first through the fiftieth entries selected from all non-winning entries entered into the EVERLASTING MILLION Prize Package Drawing will be winning entries and the entrants who submitted those winning entries shall each be entitled to a prize of $100 iLottery Bonus Money.
    • (f) Winners of iLottery Bonus Money are not required to claim a prize. Winners of iLottery Bonus Money will have the iLottery Bonus Money credited to their lottery account and will receive an email notifying them that they won a prize.
    • (g) A computer-generated randomizer will be used to select the Drawing winners.
  • 4. EVERLASTING MILLIONS CHALLENGE™ Trip Prize Package Description:
    • (a) Each EVERLASTING MILLIONS CHALLENGE™ Trip Prize Package (hereafter “Trip Prize Package”) shall consist of a four day, three-night trip for the Trip Prize Package winner and up to one guest to Las Vegas, NV during the Summer of 2022.
    • (b) The specific date and location of the Trip Prize Package events are subject to change and will be confirmed during the fulfillment process. Each Trip Prize Package shall include:
      • (1) Round trip airfare, if required, for up to two, coach class tickets on a major airline, as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration, from a United States international airport to McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, NV (inclusive of all security fees, taxes and surcharges). It is the responsibility of the Trip Prize Package Winner to comply with the REAL ID Act to the extent that the Act is applicable to the Trip Prize Package Winner’s air travel.
      • (2) Ground transfers between McCarran International Airport and the assigned destination hotel and, if necessary, between the hotel and Scientific Games International, Inc. hosted events (hereafter “SGI”).
      • (3) One double occupancy room accommodation (room and room tax only), at a three star or better hotel room in Las Vegas, Nevada, for three nights.
      • (4) $1,000 spending money for the winner, provided in the form of a check one to two weeks prior to the scheduled trip departure date.
      • (5) State income tax withholding in the amount of $88.68 and federal income tax withholding of $1,800.00 (excluding any additional prizes won during the EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Event Package).
  • 5. EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Event Package Description: Each EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Event Package shall consist of:
    • (a) Each Trip Prize Package Winner shall receive the chance participate in the CHALLENGE Event.
    • (b) The CHALLENGE Event shall afford each Trip Package Prize Winner or Proxy one chance to win a cash prize from $1,000 up to and including a lifetime prize of $1,000,000 per year, as described below.
    • (c) The CHALLENGE Event Package shall consist of:
      • (1) Admission to the CHALLENGE Event venue for the Trip Package Prize Winner and one guest.
      • (2) Participation in three ROUNDS of the CHALLENGE Event, as described below.
        • (i) ROUND 1. GOLDEN EGG shall involve the participation of all Trip Prize Package Winners as GOLDEN EGG Finalists. ROUND 1 reduces the number of GOLDEN EGG Finalists down to five. The five remaining GOLDEN EGG Finalists will each become EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER Finalists and proceed to ROUND 2. The eliminated GOLDEN EGG Finalists may each win a cash prize between $1,000 and $25,000 during ROUND 1.
        • (ii) ROUND 2. EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER reduces the five EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER Finalists down to one GOLDEN TICKET Finalist, who will proceed to ROUND 3. The eliminated EVERLASTING GOBSTOPPER Finalists may each win a cash prize between $30,000 and $1,000,000 during ROUND 2.
        • (iii) ROUND 3. GOLDEN TICKET involves the GOLDEN TICKET Finalist playing for the chance to win a prize between $1,000,000 and a lifetime annuity prize of $1,000,000 per year for the lifetime of the Prize Winner.
  • 6. Prize Package restrictions:
    • (a) There is no cash option for the Trip Prize Package.
    • (b) The Lottery is not responsible for injury, loss or damage to person or property in connection with the Trip Prize Package. A Trip Prize Package winner and guest participate solely at their own risk and responsibility.
    • (c) Lottery is not responsible for Trip Prize Package fulfillment. Lottery disclaims any responsibility for any and every occurrence with respect to fulfilment or enjoyment of the Trip Prize Package.
    • (d) All Trip Prize Package Winners must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the scheduled Trip Prize. If the Trip Prize Package winner is not 18 years of age or older at the time of the scheduled Trip Prize Package, they may designate a Proxy to participate in the Program. A designated Proxy must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the scheduled Trip Prize Package. If a Trip Prize Package winner is under the age of 21, any guest must be at least the age of majority in the guest’s state of residence. If a Trip Prize Package winner is 21 years of age or older, a guest may be under 18 years of age, but not younger than 13 years of age on the first travel date. If the guest is a minor in the Trip Prize Package winner’s home state, the winner must be a parent or legal guardian of the guest.
    • (e) All expenses involved with or related to the Trip Prize Package not specifically included in the Trip Prize Package Description, as described in section 5, above, including, without limitation, ground transportation, transfers, additional hotel amenities (i.e., spa services, internet access, phone calls, laundry services, room service, fees and gratuities), airline change fees, airline premium seat fees, airline baggage fees both checked and carry on, travel insurance and personal expenses such as laundry, valet service, photos, souvenirs and other incidentals, are the responsibility of Trip Prize Package winner and guest.
    • (f) Trip Prize Package winners will be required to submit a valid major credit card to the hotel to cover all expenses not specifically awarded as part of the Trip Prize Package.
    • (g) Travel and hotel accommodations are subject to availability.
    • (h) The date and location of any events included within the Trip Prize Package may be subject to change. The Lottery is not responsible if any event is delayed, postponed, or cancelled for any reason, in whole or in part, and in such event, the Lottery’s only obligation is to award the other elements of the Trip Prize Package. No compensation will be paid in lieu of any cancelled event or any other element of the Trip Prize Package.
    • (i) Trip Prize Package winners and guests must comply with all of the rules and regulations of the venues where the events are held and all applicable federal, state, and local government and/or agency laws, rules, orders, and regulations as well as any rules, regulations and safety guidelines. Trip Prize Package winners acknowledge that if winners or guests behave in a disorderly or disruptive manner or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any other person at any event, winners and/or guests may be removed from the venue or denied entry as determined by SGI or its designee(s) in their sole and absolute discretion.
    • (j) Trip Prize Package winners who do not elect to take a guest, or whose guest, for any reason, does not actually take the trip, are still subject to the full amount of any taxes due on the total value of the Trip Prize Package.
    • (k) By accepting any ticketed portion of the Trip Prize Package, Trip Prize Package winner agrees to abide by any terms, conditions, and restrictions provided by the ticket. Lost, mutilated, or stolen tickets, vouchers, certificates or pre-paid gift cards will not be replaced.
    • (l) In the event that a Trip Prize Package winner misses their flight, reasonable efforts will be used to reschedule the flight at the Trip Prize Package winner’s expense. If the flight is not able to be rescheduled in a reasonable time for the Trip Prize Package winner’s participation in the elements of the Trip Prize Package, the Trip Prize Package winner shall forfeit and not participate in the travel portion of the Trip Prize Package, including the events, as described in section 6(r)
    • (m) In the event that a Trip Prize Package winner is unable to travel in connection with the Trip Prize Package for any reason after tickets have been booked, that Trip Prize Package winner shall forfeit the Trip Prize Package, and an alternate Trip Prize Package Winner shall be selected according to Lottery procedure.
    • (n) If a Trip Prize Package winner fails to attend the event at which the one-million-dollar per year for life prize drawing occurs, that Trip Prize Package winner will remain eligible for the drawing prize.
    • (o) If a Trip Prize Package winner chooses not to travel or becomes ineligible for any reason, that winner may appoint a Proxy during the fulfillment process.
    • (p) If a Trip Prize Package winner or designated Proxy fails to book the trip by March 31, 2022, that Trip Prize Package shall be forfeited, as described in section 6(r).
    • (q) If, after travel is booked, a Trip Prize Package designated Proxy is unable to travel, the Trip Prize Package is forfeited, as described in section 6(r)
    • (r) The forfeiture of any Trip Prize Package includes forfeiture of attendance at any of the events or activities included in the Trip Prize as described in the sections above. In the event that a Trip Prize Winner must forfeit a Trip Prize Package, an alternate winner will be selected according to Lottery procedure.
    • (s) Except as set forth above, no prize element substitution, cash substitution, assignment, or transfer of the Trip Prize Package or any elements thereof is permitted. Any unused elements of the Trip Prize Package will be forfeited, will not be redeemable for cash, and may not reduce the prize value awarded for tax purposes.
    • (t) In the event that a $1,000,000 per year for life annuity is won during the CHALLENGE Event, it will be paid as a lifetime annuity, specifically in the form of an upfront payment of $1,000,000 with annual payments of $1,000,000 made thereafter on the anniversary of the initial upfront installment payment date for the life of the GOLDENT TICKET Finalist winner. The lifetime annuity prize payments will terminate upon the death of the GOLDEN TICKET Finalist winner; provided, however, that if the GOLDEN TICKET Finalist winner dies before receiving at least $20,000,000 in total payments, then the remaining balance (i.e., $20,000,000 less the total amount already paid) will be paid to such winner’s estate or heir(s) in one lump-sum payment upon presentation
  • 7. Delinquent Support Offset:
    • (a) If the Department of Human Services, pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 4308, the Department of Revenue or the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, pursuant to 72 P.S. § 215, determines that a prize winner is a delinquent support obligor as provided in 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 4308 or 72 P.S. § 215, and if the amount of any arrearages shall be $1,000, or less, the amount of any arrearages shall be deducted from the second-chance drawing prize and the spending money portion of the Trip Prize Package. After the delinquent support obligation is met, the Prize Package winner will receive the remaining portion of the drawing prize and the Prize Package spending money, if any, which shall be fulfilled according to Lottery procedure.
    • (b) If the Department of Human Services, pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 4308, the Department of Revenue or the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, pursuant to 72 P.S. § 215, determines that a prize winner is a delinquent support obligor, as provided in 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 4308 or 72 P.S. § 215, and if the amount of any arrearages shall be greater than $1,000, the prize winner shall forfeit the prize and shall be considered to have waived their right to receive the prize under section 8. In this event, the Lottery will select another entry to replace the forfeited entry in accordance with these rules and Lottery procedure.
  • 8. Drawing restrictions:
    • (a) To be eligible to participate in the Drawing, entrants must have complied with the requirements of these rules.
    • (b) The Lottery is not responsible for late, lost or misdirected entries not entered into the Drawing. The Lottery is not responsible for entries that are not entered into the Drawing because of incompatible internet browsers, mobile Lottery application failure or other technical issues. If a Drawing entry is selected as a winner and rejected or otherwise disqualified during or following the Drawing, the Lottery will select another entry to replace the rejected or otherwise disqualified entry in accordance with these rules and Lottery procedure.
    • (c) If any discrepancy exists between these rules and any material describing the Drawing, these rules shall govern.
    • (d) Employees of the Pennsylvania Lottery, 9Rooftops Marketing, LLC (formerly known as MARC USA, LLC), MUSL, Scientific Games International, Inc., MDI Entertainment, LLC, and their subcontractors, or a spouse, child, brother, sister or parent residing as a member of the same household in the principle place of residence of any such person are not eligible to participate in the Drawing. Offer void where prohibited or restricted.
    • (e) The Pennsylvania Lottery reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel or suspend the Drawing and change these rules if the Drawing cannot be conducted as planned due to errors in these rules or advertising, unauthorized intervention, tampering, fraud, technical errors, viruses, worms, bugs, or any other cause beyond the control of the Pennsylvania Lottery that, in the Pennsylvania Lottery’s sole judgment, could corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the Drawing.
    • (f) All entries shall be subject to verification by the Pennsylvania Lottery.
    • (g) The Pennsylvania Lottery reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify an entrant found to be tampering with the operation of the Drawing or to be acting in violation of these rules or applicable law.
    • (h) The Drawing is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Applicable laws and regulations apply.
    • (i) Winners of the EVERLASTING MILLION CHALLENGE™ Trip Prize Package will be contacted by email by the Pennsylvania Lottery to initiate the prize claim procedure. Winners will have ten (10) business days from the date they are notified by the Pennsylvania Lottery to claim their prizes. In order to claim their prizes, winners must respond to the Pennsylvania Lottery’s email regarding prize claim procedure, and must submit a properly completed prize claim form within ten (10) business days from the date they are notified by the Pennsylvania Lottery. Failure to comply with the prize claim requirements as set forth herein, for any reason, shall result in the winner forfeiting his/her right to receive the prize. An alternate winner will be awarded the respective Prize Package, according to Lottery procedure.
    • (j) Final determination of winners will be made by the Secretary, whose judgment will be final and binding.
    • (k) A prize awarded in the Drawing to a person who dies before receiving the prize shall be paid according to 61 Pa. Code § 811.16 (relating to prizes payable after death of a prize winner).
    • (l) A winner is responsible for all taxes arising from or in connection with any prize won.
    • (m) A player may only win the prize for which the player is first selected in the Drawing. Subsequent entries, from the same individual, selected in the same Drawing will be disqualified and a replacement entry will be selected.
    • (n) Winners of iLottery Bonus Money must abide by the iLottery Terms & Conditions, the iLottery Bonus Policy and these rules. iLottery Bonus Money will expire 90 days from the date on which the winner was notified, via email, of the prize win, as further detailed in section 3(f). iLottery Bonus Money has a five times play through requirement in order to convert the iLottery Bonus Money into cash. For example, for a player winning $100 of iLottery Bonus Money, the player is required to place $500 in wagers before the iLottery Bonus Money awarded is converted into cash which may be withdrawn from the player’s account.
    • (o) Prizes are not transferrable.
    • (p) Other restrictions may apply.
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